Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Conscript

The human wave.

Is it worth it?

I certainly don't think so.

Yes, you can make them stubborn on a 10.

Let's all count the ways this is new.

Oh yeah, Canoness with the Book.

Not new.

Only now, they have NO weapon options.

Guess a BS2 special weapon per 10 guys is OP or something.

Anyway, nothing really makes me go 'yes I want a screen of useless idiots' when the regular guardsman is so superior for only a few more points.

I'd rather have a screen of idiots, myself. ;)

The 'Send in the Next Wave' ability is 75 + Command Squad + Character. That's several hundred points for the ability to 'recycle' a shitty squad with no transport.

Even if you outflank it, who cares? S3 guys with BS2, flashlights, and no way to beat mech? Makes me giggle.

You also need a Commissar (or Canoness) to keep them around, although one pinning wound sent their way tends to make them hide due to their very poor leadership.

Yes, it CAN be effective as a big 'deal with me' block in an infantry army. Once it's dealt with (and trust me, most armies won't mind blowing up your 275 point not-a-land-raider-but-costs-like-one idiocy on their way to your side of the board), then what? Think about all the shots you can get. Guard cannot stop people from getting to their side of the board without a lot of shots.

Spending points on this unit means less shots, and a handy pin cushion unit for fast assaulters to hit and avoid getting shot with.

Leave it at home.


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