Monday, June 8, 2009

Master of Ordnance

Continuing the Regimental Advisor theme...the Master of Ordnance.

When you don't want your command squad to be just a super veteran squad (4 BS4 meltaguns) but you want the squad to actually DO something--bring along a Master of Ordnance.

It's a highly inaccurate attack, that's for sure. When you put it into a template spamming army (like the one I put forth a while ago) it makes your opponent play differently. Nobody wants 10 big templates being dropped on their head, after all.

Even if you are likely to miss (and you are with this attack) if templates are your cup of tea, combined with some judicious Chimera / Valkyrie / Russ secondary fire (multilasers, heavy bolters) you can drop lots of them. Who cares if you miss if you are firing 10 templates a turn?

A 'miss' can still hit things, especially if the opponent is spread out (laugh at him if he isn't). Combined with Russes (Ordnance pen rules) and S9 (Master, Psyker Battle Squads) you can take out vehicles in large numbers. What's the draw of the Master of Ordnance?

Unlike the Psyker Battle Squads or Valkyries or Russes, the Master drops an Ordnance barrage. So if you get a hit, you can take out enemies hiding in the back behind cover.

Nothing is perfect, and the Master misses far more than he hits. What's wrong with giving your command Chimera a barrage Russ shot? Since when is that bad?

Just remember, Mortars don't help--the Master's attack is not a weapon, and so does not gain the spotting round bonus from the main rulebook.


Arashi said...

Stupid question, I tried to find the Template spamming army that you suggested as the idea of dropping lots of pie plates amused me, and I figured I'd steal effective chunks from you and keep the parts that I wanted from my lists because I like playing with them (and screw the combat effectiveness).

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