Friday, June 5, 2009

Ordnance Batteries

Big guns never tire.

They do die to side shots and CC like bitches, though. ;)

Basilisk: It's a Leman Russ with +1 Strength and -all it's armor. Please bring these!

Colossus: It's a colossal failure. Bring the Eradicator instead. Killing Marines in the open isn't difficult!

Griffon: It's rather meh. Sure, you can get a re-roll on your scatter dice and then range in better with your other guns. Personally I really do consider taking these to help, but that whole cannot fire directly thing just sucks ass.

Medusa: We have a winner! Both versions are win. Everyone is all excited about bastion-breacher shells, which ARE all kinds of awesome. Now go back up, and really look at the Siege Cannon. 36"? So it has a range of 42", with a fucking Demolisher shell? Why yes, I will take that. Hopefully, other people will too. Just not against me, thanks.


michael taylor said...

obviously, a colossus is great for killing marines in cover since it ignores cover saves. I always take one, and is one of the most devastating arty pieces I have ever fielded.

Scott I said...

I'm confused regarding your comments about the Colossus. Isn't it excellent for killing Marines anywhere, with AP3 and no cover? Of course its 2am and I could be missing the point entirely...

Stelek said...

It has a minimum 24" range and cannot direct fire.

Why I don't like it--Marines are built to get within 24" of you and light you up.

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