Monday, June 8, 2009


Hey I'm a relic blade space marine in a retinue, you want me?

I do all sorts of neat things...

I crush your vehicles with my MC status.

I can issue orders like any other command squad.

I am fearless as is my command squad.

Everyone within 12" has Counter-attack and Furious Charge.

Welcome aboard!

Straken is very much a master of bs. No, not bachelor of science! He's a master of bullshit.

Shiny, new to the Codex...where ya been? ;)

To add insult to injury, when you tool his squad up a bit with carapace armor and, it's annoying when Guard win combat. lol

Against specialist CC troops, he'll last one round as his retinue and bodyguards get dragged down...then get smoked.

Sorry, he's good but not THAT good.

If you want a CC HQ, obviously Straken is it.


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