Monday, June 8, 2009


The Desert Dog.

Is he a good dog?

Well, let's see what kind of abilities he has.

Stalk the Enemy:

Everyone has to outflank. Combined with Astropaths, this can be a decent ability.


He can issue Bring it Down, and Like the Wind.

Like the Wind is crafty, allowing you to move D6" and then assault. Yeah it lets you shoot, but who cares really? It's for assaulting.

So, you can make a decent CC unit out of Guard--we all know that already. What about being able to outflank said unit and assault with it the turn you come in?

It's not a bad thing, but...much like Genestealers coming in from the sides, who is really scared of it?

I think Al'Rahem will appeal to players who like his fluff and believe outflanking doesn't suck.

Now since everyone is going to miss this, please note you do NOT gain scouts. You just gain outflank. It will only come into play in a few crazy builds, most notably DH with Allied Guard (using GK Land Raiders). The GK LR won't be able to outflank as you don't have scouts.

All in all, while he's interesting...he's not somebody I'd run.


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