Saturday, June 6, 2009

Rough Riders

Ah yes, the Rough Rider.

Misbegotten child of the IG.

Let's see, they get S5 and I5 power weapons (once, if they charge).

Base cost is 55, plus 10 per extra guy (and 10 per meltagun if you choose to).

No real shooting.

So nothing has really changed for this unit.

Priests can't be given horses (too com-pli-cat-ed) so they won't get re-rolls to hit without some fancy shenanigans.

For 105 points, you get 11 attacks. 5.5 hit. 3.63 wound. You are WS3, T3, with a 5+ save.

So the remaining Marines you just wacked will likely be Sarge + 5.

That's 7 attacks. 4.62 hit. 3.05 wound. 1 save, 2 die.

You win by 1. Marines choose to fail, and with 1 higher init than you they are just as likely to escape as to stay.

If they escape, they gun you down next turn.

If they stay...

They swing first...

That's 7 attacks. 4.62 hit. 3.05 wound. 1 save, 2 die.

You have 9 attacks. 4.5 hit. 1.485 wound. 0.49 Marines die.

Gee, now you lose and unless there's a leader fall back on a 6.

Marines have higher init and are more likely to cut you down.

All the crap you IG guys love to buy for this shitty unit: 10 if you bought a PW, I know you IG players who swear it's good; 20 if you brought 2 meltaguns...and of course, 5 points if you brought meltabombs for the sarge for 'fighting' dreads.

OR, you spend 130 points and fry all those Marines with a Bane Wolf.

Don't forget mounted troops cannot hide behind Chimeras. Only Russes. So they'll likely be shredded before they get to hit their preferred enemy, and of course...are shredded by them anyway.

Leave the horses at home.


Anonymous said...

I know this is an old post but you are aware that your calculation is wrong?
You forgot the extra attack for the charge:
then you get for 105 points
21 attacks 10.5 hit 6.93 wound.

Also it's a nice idea to keep them in reserve so they can charge onto the board 19-24'' the turn they arrive. And because you play IG the enemy mostly comes onto your side of the table.

And it's one of the units that benefit much from furious charge (creed/straken)then you have 8.75 wounds.

Stelek said...

Yeah I got corrected on the original post and never fixed it here. lol

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